We are looking for formal academic scholarship on nonfiction texts, techniques, and authors. We welcome all critical lenses, from ecocriticism to postcolonialism and beyond, on texts from traditional to experimental. We seek a wide variety of texts and approaches. Articles should follow MLA style and formatting and be in the 15-25 page range, and must include a Works Cited page.


  • We tend to dislike articles that include "this article will" types of phrasing. 
  • Though  we also prefer that you not write in first person (particularly first  person plural), we have also seen excellent meldings of creative and  critical approaches and we are open to all modes of criticism. 
  • Accepted articles should expect editing to fit our style and content standards.
  • Please conform to MLA standards for formatting and citations.  More information can be found at the Purdue OWL.

For inspiration, 

We use Submittable to accept and review our submissions.